Humans of JDV
My name is Ben Beukema and I have been the campus manager at the Jamaica Deaf Village for just over 5 years now and it has been my privilege to work there. Over the past few years we have seen so much happen here on our campus and as our businesses have grown we have been able to offer support to the other 3 campuses of CCCD as a result. It is so exciting to see the vision and plan of JDV come together. And we're not done yet!
But, JDV is so much more than just a place, buildings and business. It's all about the people. And the people of JDV make it such a wonderful place. I have been sharing these pictures on my Instagram feed for the past 8 months or so and have loved taking these pictures and sharing them. I thought about putting all of the pictures up on this post but I feel as though it would be far too long so here are some of my favorite pictures and I hope you enjoy them.
If you've ever been to JDV then you know this man. Jason Ionda Campbell has been the unofficial "mascot" of JDV ever since moving here in 2002. When I asked him why moved here in the first place he told me that he wanted to work with teams. He also spent a few year building rocking chairs in the factory. If you're wondering, yes, his eyes really are that color.
Mario Henriques. Mario is somewhat new to JDV. He came along with Javell a few years ago. He is a hard worker who learns very fast. He has picked up a number of skills since moving here. He also does great working with teams. In fact he gives Ionda a run for his money with teams as far as his interaction and likability. Thanks for working hard Mario!

Cresmore Fletcher. Much like Ionda from the previous post Cresmore seems to be involved in most areas of JDV. He works on the farm everyday, sets up for church every week, and leads worship. He is a fence fixer, trash man, lumberjack, and occasional cowboy. When I took this picture he was in the process of cutting down a tree that was infested with termites. Cresmore makes JDV a better place and we are happy he is a part of what we do here. He is the eldest at JDV and was the first to raise his children here. Everyone knows him for being kind, thoughtful, and he loves teaching teams sign language.
Javell Henry. I remember when Javell first came to JDV. He was a little bit of a mama's boy and I wasn't sure how he was going to do living on his own. He has done so well over the last few years. Javell is responsible for the greenhouse here as well as the village dog, Mocha. He has also been known to preach a time or two. All of us here are excited to see what God has for Javell as he continues to grow and continues to show us what he is capable of. I see great things in his future!
Lawrence Wint. The man, the myth, the legend. Lawrence cleared the brush to get onto the property over 20 years ago. In my cupboard I have a list of important names and phone numbers. And behind Lawrence's name it says "the man who knows everything." It was there when I arrived nearly 5 ears ago. He truly is a blessing and he really does know a lot but most importantly he cares deeply for the ministry and the people. After all these years he's still passionate! Thanks Lawrence, truly.
Veronica Fuller. Wow, this woman means a lot to all of us here at JDV. One of the residents here even calls her mom. She keeps everything running here and boy is she talented. At the end of a long hard day her food makes you smile and fills you up to tackle another day. Those who volunteer here know it's true. She mangers our conference center with a smile and is always excited for the future. She makes me feel excited too. She's not too bad at decorating not a cake either.
Sheldon Matthew Burkett or as everyone knows him, Matthew. He is the eldest of the two boys in the Burkett family. He is a little chatterbox who loves to come over and play with my kids. He has that look like he is always up to something and loves... LOVES dinosaurs. He is also very sharp and inquisitive and quick to learn. You're raising a good one Sheldon and Rachel.
Rhonda Johnson. My My My. This girl is something else. I didn't ask her to pose like this, I only asked if I could take her picture... this is raw, natural Rhonda at its best! She is full of life and full of passion. With just a touch of attitude. If you compare the Johnson kids it's amazing to see how different they are! All that being said, she truly is a sweet girl

Nigel Johnson - Nigel is a hardworking father of four. He is a great dad! He is also an extremely skilled woodworker who makes amazing furniture. Even when I make last minute changes he rolls with it and I appreciate it so much. Like wit so many here at JDV we are blessed to have him here. Thanks Nigel!
Sheldon Burkett. It seems only fitting that I post Sheldon on a day when I just finished watching him bring the word at the New Life Church of the Deaf. He has been such a blessing to us in recent months and we are more excited everyday for what the future holds for the church. Sheldon greets everyone he meets with a smile and has a passion for learning. Thanks for your sacrifice, Sheldon.
If you're not involved with CCCD then I encourage you to get involved. Sponsor a child or come serve with us!
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